[Client] How does Rtist Work?

Step-by-step tutorial on how to use Rtist to find talents

Nigel Koay

Last Update 5 months ago

Rtist Creative Platform is the place for clients to look for the best fit talents online, while creating interactions between client and talents. Here are some ways you can utilize Rtist platform as client: 

1. View talent's portfolio

If you've found a talent that you like thorugh BROWSE TALENT or BROWSE PORTFOLIO, there are some features you can use to interact with the talent on Rtist.

Sneak peak: If you private invite talent for job

2. Advertise your job posts

- Have a job that requires a freelancer? a long-term job that requires inhouse talents? or looking for creative interns? our job post feature got you covered. With more than 10,000 talents on Rtist platform.  

Bonus: Client can even feature & mark job urgent with credits, here's how. 

3. Interact with talents

- Rtist is an interactive platform, we encourage you to approach talents while also, talents may approach you for jobs as well. Client and talent will also interact when talent apply your job posts. 

4. Monitor jobs

- On Rtist, you have full control on whether to hire a designer and make payment. Rest assured, after making payment, payment will be held in escrow payment until the designer has completed the job with satisfaction. 

5. Handpick service

- Rtist Handpick Service is catered to your needs, let us help you find the right talent, based on the skills needed for your project. Schedule a call with handpick team today.

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