[Talent] How does Rtist work?

Here's what you can do on Rtist


Last Update één jaar geleden

Rtist Creative Platform is your home to showcase your portfolio digitally. In Rtist, we connect businesses to the right local creative talents in minutes, while empowering creative talents to be visible and get hired.

1) Portfolio showcase

- On Rtist Creative Platform, you can showcase your portfolio directly to clients, here's how to add portfolio on Rtist.

- It increases your chance to be discovered by clients as they browse. 

2) Interact with clients 

- Rtist platform got both talent and client. 

- Client can interact with you through message/following you.

3) Talent can find and apply jobs on Rtist.

- Everyday, clients browse talent or create job posts on Rtist.

- Full-time, Internship & Freelance available.

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